December 2023 Minutes


Old Leake Parish Council Meeting

13 December 2023 

No members of the public were present.

In attendance

Councillors Chairman Frank Pickett, Tom Ashton, Julian Crouch, Guy Bull, Sandra Pickett, Susan Nutman and David Dickason. 

Also in attendance:

LCC Councillor Paul Skinner

Parish Clerk Joann Greer 

1/12/23 Opening Comments from the Chairman

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the last meeting of the year.

2/12/23 Apologies for absence and reasons given

Apologies were received from Boston Borough Councillors John Baxter and Callum Butler.

Apologies had not been received from Councillor Nigel McCulloch. 

3/12/23 Declarations of interest in accordance with 2011 Localism Act

No declarations were made.

4/12/23 To note reports from representatives of outside bodies 

Councillor Skinner provided an update regarding devolution and the ongoing consultation. The fire station at Leverton is being built to the new higher specification. 

Boston Borough Councillors sent in a report as they were unable to attend the meeting. The issue of flooding within the parish had been a significant issue for residents.

5/12/23 To note CCTV updates & image requests 

No image requests were made.

6/12/23 To receive a report from the Recreational Area Working Group, resolve actions and expenditure for issues raised in the reports: 

a.   Washdyke

Councillor Crouch provided a written report prior to the meeting. The car park needs chaining off temporarily as it is waterlogged.

b.   Furlongs 

Councillor Pickett stated the grass required cutting as soon as possible and the entrance gate need a self-closing mechanism.

c.   Enos Wood

The tree surgeon has completed further work with trees on site and will continue to monitor especially in high windstorms. 

7/12/23 Draft notes of the meeting held on 8 November 2023 resolution to adopt

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to accept the draft minutes as a true record of the meeting. 

8/12/23 Financial Matters:

a.   Resolution to approve payment of accounts as listed

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to pay the accounts as listed.

Citizens Advice Bureau

23/24 - 071



Employee Costs

23/24 - 072

December & January Sal pension HMRC


Clerk Expenses

23/24 - 073

Nov/Dec travel Giff Eon


Mr M A Johnson

23/24 - 074

Dec/Jan Litter Picker


K & P Services

23/24 - 075

Dec/Jan Enos Wood & Washdyke Caretaker


Freddie Falkner

23/24 - 076

Tree works 4.12.23 Invoice 297


ARK ICT Solutions Ltd

23/24 - 077

Dec/Jan Monthly Antivirus payment


BT Broadband Community Centre

23/24 - 078

Dec/Jan Monthly Broadband Payment


Thomson Tree Services

23/24 - 079

Hedge Contract 2022

This invoice has only just been submitted. The work was carried out.


b.   To note the bank reconciliation

Bank Reconciliation 05/12/2023  £74301.53 was noted.

c.   To consider the third draft budget & set the precept 2024/25

The draft budget was considered in detail. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to set the precept as £60,000.

9/12/23 Highway Matters: 

a.   To consider requests for signage at Fellands Gate and double yellow lines outside the doctor’s surgery, resolution to support

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to insist on signage at Fellands Gate and introduce a 20-mph limit.

It was not supported to provide double yellow lines outside the Meadows. The Housing association is to be contacted to address parking space availability.

b.   Receive issues requiring maintenance / repair

All issues have already been reported.

c.   Receive Reactive Speed data and consider action

Councillor McCulloch was not available at the meeting to report.

10/12/23 Planning Matters:  

a.   Application No:B/23/0416 side extension at Ings Drove.

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.

11/12/23 To note the outcome of the Extraordinary Meeting 28 November regarding the loan offer to upgrade the village footway lighting.

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved not to accept the offer of a loan at an interest rate of 5.5% to upgrade the footway lighting in the village. Discussions are to continue to find a workable solution. 

12/12/23 To consider a reply from Boston Borough Council  regarding the OLPC’s  response from the Extraordinary Meeting

A detailed response from BBC was considered. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to reply stating OLPC will continue to pay for electricity and would consider contributing 50% of the upgrade to the lighting system if BBC contribute the other half. The possibility of BBC insuring the footway lighting system would be very welcome. 

13/12/23 To resolve the format and distribution method of the parish consultation regarding footway lighting 

Once an agreement has been met with Boston Borough Council the information is to be shared with the village newsletter and website to allow residents to comment. 

14/12/23 To note the YOUNG PEOPLES PILOT PROGRAMME and set a maximum budget 

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to run a 3-month pilot scheme starting in January 2024 with a maximum budget of £3,000   

15/12/23 To note the update from LCC legal team regarding the abandoned MUGA status at Old Main Road options/information and resolve further action

The Clerk had spoken to the legal team. LCC are now in the process of moving forward with assigning the MUGA to OLPC.

16/12/23 To receive a short presentation regarding developing an emergency plan within the village and resolve action

Councillor Dickason gave a brief presentation. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to start up the Emergency Plan with Councillors Dickason, F Pickett, and Bull. 

17/12/23 To consider the Speed Watch campaign starting again in the village working in partnership with Wrangle Parish Council

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to start up the programme again in conjunction with Wrangle Parish Council. Councillor Dickason is the lead contact for this development.

18/12/23 To note general correspondences not addressed on this agenda & respond if required

No other correspondences had been received.

19/12/23 To set the date and time of the next meeting in February

The next meeting was set for Wednesday 14th February 2024. No meeting in January.

Wednesday 14th February 2024
7.00 pm
Old Leake Community Centre