June 2023 Minutes


Old Leake Parish Council Meeting

14 June 2023 

Public Forum 

Several members of the public were present concerned about the NMA to B/22/0192 Glamping Pods. Boston Borough Councillor stated he would organise an onsite meeting with the applicant for those who wished to attend.

In attendance

Councillors Chairman Frank Pickett, Julian Crouch, Guy Bull.

Also in attendance:

LCC Councillor Paul Skinner
BBC John Baxter
BBC Calum Butler
Community Member Walter Seekamp
Parish Clerk Joann Greer 

1/6/23 Opening comments from the Chairman

The Chair, Councillor Pickett welcomed everybody to the meeting.

2/6/23 Apologies for absence and reasons given

Apologies had been received and accepted from Councillor Tom Ashton.

3/6/23 Declarations of interest in accordance with 2011 Localism Act 

No declarations were made.

4/6/23 To consider applicants for co-option onto the Parish Council

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to co opt Susan Anita Jane Nutman onto Old Leake Parish Council. She duly signed the acceptance of office and took part in the rest of the meeting.

5/6/23 To note reports from representatives of outside bodies 

Councillor Crouch had attended the Harlock Charities meeting.

LCC Paul Skinner commented on the A16 road improvements.

Boston Borough Councillors Baxter and Butler reported on several issues raised at Parish level and had been involved in a school dog fouling campaign and attended the Lincolnshire show representing the ward.

6/6/23 To note CCTV updates & image requests 

The car on the football pitch had been reported on 101. The police are following up and have requested access to CCTV images of the incident.
7/6/23 To receive a report from the Recreational Area Working Group, resolve actions and expenditure for issues raised in the reports: 

a. Washdyke – The grass cutting contractor is to be instructed not to cut the path on the outskirts of the meadow.

b. Furlongs – A car had damaged posts to gain access to the football pitch.

c. Enos Wood – a quote is to be source for tree works at Enos Wood. 

8/6/23 Draft notes of the meeting held on 10 May 2023 resolution to adopt 

The list of attendees is to be added.

It was then proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to adopt the notes as the minutes.

9/6/23 Financial Matters:

a. Resolution to approve payment of accounts as listed

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to approve the payments.


b. To note the internal auditors report and complete the Annual Audit

The internal auditors report was noted. No action was required. It was then proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to complete the AGAR.

d. To consider moving the Council’s banking provider to the Co-operative and    complete the application process

This was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved. Councillors are to return completed forms to the next meeting.

10/6/23 Highway Matters: 

a. To review the draft strategy/progress report from the highways and traffic group 

The reactive speed signs have not been received yet, therefore delaying information to form the basis of the traffic survey.
b. Receive issues requiring maintenance / repair

No new issues require reporting. Some existing faults still need to be followed up on.

c. To consider responses from fixmystreet from recently reported issues and resolve action if required

The system does appear to be working better at present. Assistance and advice is still being sourced regarding the school bus stop location.

11/6/23 Planning Matters:  

a. Application No: B/23/0169 Erection of community/farm shop (Use F2) at Station House, Hobhole Bank PE22 9RT

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.

b. B/23/0186 Change of use from commercial building to 1no. residential dwelling, including demolition of some existing building fabric at 29 Church Road PE22 9NS

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.

c. B/22/0192/NMA Glamping pod designs

The Council did not support this application and did not understand why the decision to support it had already been passed by Boston Borough Council.

A site meeting is to be arrange by Councillor Baxter.
12/6/23 To consider the draft Councillor Footway Scrutiny Plan with a resolution to adopt 

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved for each Councillor to be responsible for monitoring a set of lights. The Clerk is to prepare a table and map as a reference.

13/6/23 To consider a replacement LED exchange lighting system for footway lighting and resolve rolling programme and annual budget

Councillors consider several options; the Clerk is to produce a table with options and costings, comments from the public would also be sought via the Old Leake News and social media in time for the budget setting starting in November.

14/6/23 To consider the Old Main Road MUGA situation and resolve an action plan if required

No further communication from the primary school had been received to further this situation. 

15/6/23 To note general correspondences not addressed on this agenda & respond if required

The LALC Summer Conference will be held 19th July at the Bentley Hotel. The Clerk will book places for attendees.

16/6/23 To set the date and time of the next meeting 

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 12 July at the community centre at 7.00 pm.

Wednesday 12th July
7.00 pm
Old Leake Community Centre