July 2023 Minutes



Old Leake Parish Council Meeting

14 June 2023 

Public Forum 

One member of the public was in attendance.

In attendance

Councillors Chairman Frank Pickett, Julian Crouch, and Tom Ashton.

Also in attendance:

LCC Councillor Paul Skinner

Community Member Walter Seekamp

Parish Clerk Joann Greer 

1/7/23 Opening comments from the Chairman

The Chair, Councillor Pickett welcomed everybody to the meeting.

2/7/23 Apologies for absence and reasons given

Apologies had been received and accepted from Councillors Susan Nutman and  Guy Bull.

Boston Borough Councillors Baxter and Butler, also sent their apologies due to attendance at other meetings.

3/7/23 Declarations of interest in accordance with 2011 Localism Act 

No declarations were made.

4/7/23 To consider applicants for co-option onto the Parish Council

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to co-opt Nigel McCulloch and Sandra Pickett onto Old Leake Parish Council. Acceptance of office form were duly signed; the two new Councillors took part in the rest of the meeting.

5/7/23 To note reports from representatives of outside bodies 

BBC J Baxter had attended the glamping site meeting along with representatives from the Parish Council, Frank Pickett, and Julian Crouch. Members of the public also attended. Planning access and road signage is still with Lincolnshire County Council.

LCC Paul Skinner stated that local knowledge was imperative to advance access, the hard standing at the school bust stop in Commonside is being considered which if formally adopted by LCC would lead to appropriate signage funded by LCC.

Outer Dowsing held another community consultation meeting which attendees found helpful.

Solar panels were now being installed on the Harlock bungalows.

6/7/23 To note CCTV updates & image requests 

Excellent images regarding the cars on the playing field have been given to the police from the Parish Council controlled CCTV at the community centre.

7/7/23 To receive a report from the Recreational Area Working Group, resolve actions and expenditure for issues raised in the reports: 

a. Washdyke – The meadow needs cutting back. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to set a budget of £150 to complete this task. The caretaker is to visit the playground weekly to check for bird fouling on play equipment and benches.

b. Furlongs – A dead tree at the entrance to the ground requires cutting down. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to set a maximum budget of £130 to cut the tree down and remove all the wood. 

c. Enos Wood – Councillor Crouch is consulting with a local tree manager regarding the trees at Enos Wood. 

8/7/23 Draft notes of the meeting held on 14 June 2023 resolution to adopt 

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to adopt the notes as the minutes.

9/7/23 Financial Matters:

a. Resolution to approve payment of accounts as listed

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to approve the payments.

Person / Company to be paid

Invoice No



Employee Cost

23/24 - 029

July & August salary, Nest pension, HMRC PAYE


Clerks Expenses

23/24 - 030

July/August Travel/Giff Washdyke/allowance


K & P Services

23/24 - 031

July & August Enos Wood & Washdyke Caretaker


Mr M A Johnson

23/24 - 032

July & August Village Litter Picker


ARK ICT Solutions Ltd

23/24 - 033

July & August Monthly Antivirus payment


BT Broadband Community Centre

23/24 - 034

July & August Monthly Broadband Payment


Election Costs

23/24 - 035

May uncontested election costs


Old Leake News

23/24 - 036

June & July  Insertion


b. To approve a maximum budget for tree works at Enos Wood and the Community Centre

This item was already covered at agenda item 7.

10/7/23 Highways Matters

a. Receive issues requiring maintenance / repair

Councillors were urged to report issues on fixmystreet, the Clerk stated progress had been made recently with issues reported on the web site.

11/7/23 Planning Matters:  

a. Application No: B/22/0192/CD2 Land off, Fellands Gate, Old Leake, Boston, PE22 9PN Application to discharge conditions C6 (Lighting), C7 (Biodiversity) and C8 (Site Management Plan) of permission B/22/0192 (The siting of up to 36 no. glamping pods with fishing lakes, amenity space, landscaping, parking, access roads and associated other development)

Residents comments were noted. The Council had no further comments to make as they had not been listened too in the previous application.

b. B/23/0198 Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind consultation request

The Council supported  this.

c. Approved: B/23/0120 land behind White Gables. B/123 0010/NMA Farmhouse, Hurns End. B/22/0192 NMA Fellands Gate Glamping Pods

The information was noted.

12/7/23 To consider the table of LED light replacement possibilities prior to going out to consultation

The detailed table was considered by Council. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to write to all parishes within the borough to establish support of a request for Boston Borough Council to pay for lighting upgrading to LED and parishes to continue with electricity payments. 

13/7/23/To consider location for additional dog bins at Commonside.

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to request additional dog bins located at Caleb Hill and Hunston Lane. 

14/7/23 To consider forming a panel to develop youth services in the village and resolve to pay for room hire for meetings, refreshments, equipment, and support from the Rural Isolation Project Fund. 

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to release funds from the Rural Isolation Programme for this development. Councillor McCulloch was designated as the main contact.  

15/7/23 To note general correspondences not addressed on this agenda & respond if required

The head of the Primary school offered to meet Councillors on site at the MUGA. The date agreed was Tuesday 18th July at 9.30 am. Councillors Pickett and Crouch are to attend.

16/7/23 To set the date and time of the next meeting 

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 13th September at the community centre at 7.00 pm.