September 2023 Minutes


Old Leake Parish Council Meeting

13 September 2023 

Public Forum 

No members of the public were present.

In attendance

Councillors Chairman Frank Pickett, Julian Crouch, Nigel Mc Culloch, Guy Bull, Sandra Pickett, and Susan Nutman.

Also in attendance:

BBC Councillors Calum Butler and John Baxter

Community Member Walter Seekamp

Parish Clerk Joann Greer 

1/9/23 Opening comments from the Chairman

The Chair, Councillor Pickett welcomed everybody to the meeting.

2/9/23 Apologies for absence and reasons given

Apologies had been received and accepted from Councillor Tom Ashton.

3/9/23 Declarations of interest in accordance with 2011 Localism Act 

No declarations were made.

4/9/23 To note reports from representatives of outside bodies 

Report from BBC Councillors Butler and Baxter: external operators are to run the day-to-day arrangements at the Geoff Moulder leisure centre. .

Outer dowsing has chosen their preferred route, north of the A52.

Stagecoach have agreed to reroute their buses back through the village. 

LHP to maintain their land on Mayflower Gardens, not maintained in the past 2-3 years. 

An event is scheduled on Friday 20th October for young people of the village to identify what facilities they would like to access in the area. This event is sponsored by the parish council and members the public. 

Finally our thanks go to the event committee for organizing and hosting a fantastic first village fete. 

5/9/23 To note CCTV updates & image requests 

The community centre had requested an image to be viewed. Councillor Mc Culloch declined the request and provided them with the CCTV policy explaining how the system works and is managed. 

6/9/23 To consider the Annual RoSPA reports and resolve actions and expenditure 

Minor repairs were reported which can be dealt with by the caretaker.

There were no red high danger reports for any of the equipment.

7/9/23 To receive a report from the Recreational Area Working Group, resolve actions and expenditure for issues raised in the reports: 

a. Washdyke – The meadow has been cut back; the Council agreed to progress with introducing a woodland in the wildflower meadow. Councillor Crouch is to follow up on funding leads and costings.

b. Furlongs – The caretaker is to be instructed to complete the highlighted repairs in the RoSPA report.

c. Enos Wood – Councillor Crouch is monitoring the trees at Enos Wood. 

8/9/23 Draft notes of the meeting held on 12 July 2023 resolution to adopt 

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to adopt the notes as the minutes.

9/9/23 Financial Matters:

a. To note the conclusion of the Annual Audit

The audit had been conducted; one note was made from the external auditors that the fixed asset figure from 2021/22 had not been amended to the correct figure. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved that the previous year’s report would be compared to the current year AGAR prior to the council signing the paperwork. The public notices and supporting documents are to be displayed on the web site and public notice board.

b. Resolution to approve payment of accounts as listed

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to approve the payments.


10/9/23 Highways Matters

a. Receive issues requiring maintenance / repair

A list of potholes was noted to report on Fixmystreet plus the road sinking at Fild Hill Corner and Hatton Cottage Corner.

b. Reactive speed signs and management

It was proposed seconded, and unanimously resolved to collect the data on a monthly basis. Councillor Mc Culloch is to be the person responsible for retrieving the data, Mr Wilson is to be responsible to recharge the systems as and when required.

The information collected is to be used to identify patterns of traffic movement and speed to lobby Lincolnshire County Council to reduce speed limits and introduce highway signage and safety measures.

11/9/23 Planning Matters:  

This planning application arrived after the distribution date of the agenda but as stated would be discussed at this meeting.

a. Renewal of Planning Permission (B/17/0320) for siting of a static mobile home at The Ranch, Washdyke Lane.

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.

12/9/23 To consider the list of footway lighting repairs from Boston Borough Council and compare with Councillors on site checks

The list provided from BBC did not fully match up with status of lighting detailed in the Councillors tables. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved not to pay/authorise any repairs or upgrades as stated by BBC at this present time.

13/9/23/To consider feedback regarding parish council support across the borough regarding the foot way lighting costs.

All borough parishes were e mailed in August to provide a reply by October due to meeting schedules.

Some Councillors believed there was a lot of support for the OLPC initiative however the Clerk had only received one official reply to date. The Clerk will forward all replies onto Councillors as they arrive with action to be determined at the October meeting.

14/9/23 To consider the development so far regarding forming a panel to develop youth services in the village with an initial BBQ Saturday 21st October

The date has changed to Friday October 20th due to a community centre booking issue.

Plans are still developing with Porky Wright providing the meat/refreshments for the BBQ. Suitably trained BBQ staff could be provided by Bakkavor to cook the food. 

A main presentation is to identify the purpose of the event followed by an idea’s session. Any person providing an idea, written on a card would be given a raffle ticket to hopefully win one of the prizes, currently being sourced by Councillors Butler and Baxter, followed by the BBQ.   

15/9/23 To note general correspondences not addressed on this agenda & respond if required

No correspondences not already cover in the agenda.

16/9/23 To set the date and time of the next meeting 

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 11th October at the community centre at 7.00 pm.

Wednesday 11th October
7.00 pm
Old Leake Community Centre