November 2021 Minutes

These are the notes taken by the Parish Clerk and cannot be taken as a true record of the meeting until ratified at the next Parish Council meeting.

Old Leake Parish Council Meeting

10 November 2021 


There were several members of the public present about a planning application regarding a dog breeding kennels on Station Road, which would be discussed at agenda item 12b. 

The Meeting

In attendance

Councillors F Pickett, T Ashton, G Bull, I Money, J Crouch. And N McCulloch

Parish Clerk J Greer & Michelle Cound Community Development Worker were also in attendance. 

1/11/21 Opening comments from the Chairman

The Chair, Councillor Pickett welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2/11/21 Apologies for absence and reasons given

All Councillors were present.

3/11/21 Declarations of interest in accordance with 2011 Localism Act 

No declarations were made.

4/11/21 Update from Michelle Cound, Village Community Development Worker

Michelle had emailed a full report to all Councillors detailing the activities and successful grant funds received in the last 11 months. She further detailed the upcoming events in November and December including a craft fair, santas grotto and family bingo event.

Communication throughout the parish is improving and social media is picking up.

5/11/21 To note reports from representatives of outside bodies

Councillor Crouch has been invited to attend the Harlock Alms Charity meeting. Councillor Crouch was elected the Parish Council representative in May 2021. He will report back to the Council after any meetings.

6/11/21 CCTV To note CCTV requests 

PCSO Rayment has requested images from 12th October in the car park.

Joy riders had also pulled up post and driven around the playing field, the contractor is to re cement any loose post back in to secure the area.

7/11/21 To receive a report from the Recreational Area Working Group, including playground inspections, consider proposed expenditure based on RoSPA report and quote from Kompan, resolve actions and budget   

Inspection reports were received. The Kompan repairs item was deferred until the next meeting. 

8/11/21 Draft notes of the meeting held on 13 October resolution to adopt 

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to accept the notes as the minutes. 

9/11/21 Resolution to approve payment of accounts

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to approve the payments as stated below.

Person / Company to be paid

Invoice No



Employee Cost

21/22 –067

November salary, Nest pension, HMRC


Clerk Expenses

21/22 – 068



Mr M A Johnson

21/22 – 069

Village Litter Picking 


K & P Services

21/22 – 070

Caretaker payment


ARK ICT Solutions Ltd

21/22 – 071

Monthly Antivirus payment


Michelle Cound

21/22 – 072

November Village Community Worker


BT Broadband Community Centre

21/22 – 073

Monthly Payment


Thomson Tree Services

21/22 - 074

Replacement Cheque for 1953 September payment £480 in total. Bank rejected the cheque  AGAIN


10/11/21 To reconsider the grant available from BBC and its use within the parish to fit the criteria

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to request the grant funding towards a parish survey to identify priority projects within the parish.

11/11/21 Highway Matters: items requiring maintenance / repair 

Unfortunately LCC Councillor Skinner was not present at the meeting to respond to questions about extending the 30 mph speed limit on Station Road to protect pedestrians and school children. The Clerk is to formally equest this and write to MP Matt Warman.

12/11/21 Planning Matters:  

a)    Application No: B/21/0453 The Owls, Southfields. Demolition of temporary wooden car port and erection of a single storey extension.  

The Parish Council supported this application.

b)    Application No: B/21/00461 Panache, Station Road. Retrospective planning application for dog breeding kennels

The Parish Council objected to this planning application.

This is a residential area and this is a business development next door to residential properties.

This negatively impacts on the neighbourhood amenity and causes harm to the residential area with noise, odour and light pollution. 

This business IS CURRENTLY in operation selling puppies without a licence.

There is no foul waste removal on this site.

The original planning application was refused by BBC, however the applicant continued the development and is trading in this residential area.

The Council would like to know if appropriate business rates are being charged and if so how can this be recognised as a business without full planning consent.

The business is totally unsuitable for a quiet residential area. There are only a few streetlights in that part of the village yet the light pollution created by this business flood lights the area. This application causes harm to the surrounding area and its residents quality of life.

B/21/0475 35 dwellings, outline application Old Main Road

The Parish Council STRONGLY OBJECT to this application.

The village infer structure is not able to cope with demand now and until investment from Anglian Water, electricity suppliers and the drainage board to improve the site for any development and the potential future residents this permitted development site should not be progressed for any housing development.

The application is inconsistent and appears muddled. The Council do not have enough information or supporting documents from relevant surveys to form a clear picture other than numbers what this development aims to achieve. 
It would be irresponsible for a planning authority to approve such a site with so many ground root problematic issues. 

c)    Application No: B/21/0478 Moore House, Moat Lane. Change of use from agricultural building to a dwelling.

The Parish Council supported this application

d)    Application No: B/21/0475 Old Main Road. Outline application for 35no. dwellings and car park for Old Leake primary school

The Parish Council objected to this application.

The village infer structure is not able to cope with demand now and until investment from Anglian Water, electricity suppliers and the drainage board to improve the site for any development and the potential future residents this permitted development site should not be progressed for any housing development.

The application is inconsistent and appears muddled. The Council do not have enough information or supporting documents from relevant surveys to form a clear picture other than numbers what this development aims to achieve. 

It would be irresponsible for a planning authority to approve such a site with so many ground root problematic issues. 

*Planning applications received after the distribution date of this agenda may be considered at this meeting*

e) Application for NMA to Daubneys Barn B/19/0134/CD1. The Council supported this application.

13/11/21 To consider the first draft budget proposal for 2022 – 23

The first draft budget was considered at £45,000.00. The Council will propose a final budget sum at the December meeting which will form the precept.

14/11/21 To receive a progress update regarding speeding reports throughout the village

This item had already been covered at item 11. 

15/11/21 To consider applicants for the parish council vacancy and resolve co-option if suitable.

There were no applications for the three vacancies.

16/11/21 To note general correspondences not addressed on this agenda & respond if required

A letter had been received from Old Leake with Wrangle Methodist Chapel thanking the Parish Council for the donation.

17/11/21 To set the date and time of the next meeting    

The next Parish Council Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 8 December at 7.00 pm AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE