April 2021 Minutes

Old Leake Parish Council Meeting
14th April 2021 

In Attendance: via zoom

Councillor Frank Pickett, Councillor Guy Bull, Councillor Julian Crouch, Councillor Ian Money, Councillor Donna Amess, Councillor Tom Ashton and Councillor John Baxter were present.

Councillor Paul Skinner, Parish Clerk Joann Greer and The Community Development Worker Michelle Cound were also present.

Public Forum

No members of the public were present.

1/4/21 Opening comments from the Chairman

Councillor Picket started the meeting with a one-minute silence in respect of the death of His Royal Highness, The Duke of Edinburgh.

2/4/21 Apologies for absence and reasons given

Apologies were noted and accepted from Councillor McCulloch, who had been detained at work due to a mechanical failure.

3/4/21 Declarations of interest in accordance with 2011 Localism Act 

No declarations were made.

4/4/21 To note the report from the Police Liaison Officer 

The following report was received from PCSO Rayment:

3 incidents of Anti-social behaviour- School Lane, 2 x Old Main Road.
3 concern for safety incidents- 2 x Furlongs Lane and School Lane.
1 incident of criminal damage- Furlongs Lane.
1 incident of violence- Church Road.
3 suspicious circumstances- Pode Lane, Duke Road and Seadyke Road.
2 traffic offences- The Gride and Main A52.
1 transport hazard- Chapel Road.
2 road traffic collisions- Nut Lane and School Lane.

5/4/21 Update from Michelle Cound, Village Community Development Worker

Michelle informed the Council the growing kits had been delivered throughout the village. The kits comprised of pots, soil, seeds, information pack and journal.

The primary school and also Inspire Lincs have taken part in the project.

The litter picking equipment sponsored by Bakkavor has arrived and is being put to good use. Cheryl Wray will take some action photos for publicity.

A new project idea is to create a village memory board of things people learnt during the lockdown, it is anticipated to focus on positive things from the last 12 months.

Cheryl and Michelle will be looking at opportunities at Enos Wood, Councillors Money and Crouch volunteered to meet on site to see if they could be of assistance.

6/4/21 To note reports from representatives of outside bodies

Councillor Paul Skinner informed the Council Heritage site were now beginning to open up in the county along with 14 libraries. Boston Borough Council is currently conducting a carers survey and Professor Van Tam visited the town on 19th March. He also reported the ‘Town Deal’ was making progress.

7/4/21 To note CCTV requests

PCSO Barker had requested images regarding 2 incidents in the village.

Councillors Pickett and McCulloch will review the footage.

There was also reports of residents of the village being thoroughly disgruntled with the police 101 system and feel like their concerns, in some cases for their safety, are not being listened to.
8/4/21 To accept the playgrounds and Enos Wood monthly check sheets and action any repairs 

No additional play equipment issues were raised.

The wildflower meadow at Washdyke has finally been cut, but it looks in a sorry state. 

9/4/21 Draft notes of the meeting held on 10th March 2021 resolution to adopt 

Councillor Amess asked that the minutes reflect she did not agree with the majority of the council not to accept Councillor Baxter’s apologies. Councillor Baxter asked that the minutes state his volunteering role regarding his apologies, and finally Councillor Money found a typo. The notes were then proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to be accepted as the minutes. The paper copies of such notes would be signed by the Chairman once the Council meet in person.

10/4/21 Resolution to approve payment of accounts

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve to approve the payments listed below. 

Person / Company to be paid

Invoice No



Employee Cost

21/22 - 001

March Salary, Nest pension, HMRC


Clerk Expenses

21/22 - 002



Village Litter Picking

21/22 - 003

SMILE charity donation


K & P Services

21/22 - 004

April payment


ARK ICT Solutions Ltd

21/22 - 005

Monthly Antivirus payment March


Michelle Cound

21/22 - 006

April Village Community Worker


BT Broadband Community Centre

21/22 - 007

April Payment


T A Blackamore

21/22 - 008

Grass Cutting Contract


Boston Borough Council

21/22 - 009

Annual Footway Lighting


Information Commissioners Office ICO

21/22 - 010

Data Protection Certificate


Mr M A Johnson

21/22 - 011

Interim Litter Picking Payment


11/4/21 Highways Matters: items requiring maintenance / repair

Councillors were encouraged to report faults directly on fixmystree, which logs and monitors the reports.

12/4/21 Planning Matters:
a)    Application No: B/20/0437 Installation of temporary Portacabin at Bakkavor. 

It was proposed, seconded and unanymously resolved to support this application.

b)    Application No: B/21/0067 Conversion of agricultural barn to residential, Hurns End. 

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application pending the same consistent requirements ere required for other similar developments in the village.

c)    Application No: B/21/0138 Single story extension Beverley House, Southfields Lane.

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this application.

d)    Application No: B/21/0047 Change of use from garden to dog breeding area and kennels, Panache Station Road. 

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to OBJECT to this planning application The following issues formed the basis for the objection:

This is in a residential area with private dwellings in very close proximity to the proposed site, access to the business would cause noise nuisance and much more traffic coming in and out of the breeder’s place on a very badly designed junction.

There were concerns regarding the environmental impact both with the dyke that runs along the back of the property and its effects on wildlife and also the removal of dog waste, will this be in a large commercial wheelie bin, how often will it be emptied? the residential setting does not lend itself to such waste collection.

The design is not in keeping with the area with white UPVC walls and either steel or bitumen sheeting. The proposed kennels are also taller than the fence and will have a negative visual impact.

Concerns were raised regarding light pollution as light will be required at all times of the night, and day in autumn and winter months with dogs requiring assistance 24 hours a day especially when a new litter is delivered.

This development will have a considerable visual and environmental impact on the local area. The increase in traffic , noise nuisance and other associated disturbances will affect the lives of residents with the nature of the business will have an adverse effect on the character of the quiet neighbourhood. This proposal would harm the quiet rural residential road and would be completely incompatible with the surrounding residential land use and harm neighbouring properties by virtue of noise and odour.

There have also been reports that work is still continuing  even though the planning permission has not been granted.  
13/3/21 To consider the updated quote for housing the electrical supply at Washdyke Lane 

After the site visit from Western Power, the quote had almost doubled in price due to the length of trench work required to bring the cable from the roadside. By assigning the digging activity to the local contractor that would make a saving of almost £1300.00. The cost of the project therefore would stand at £12,000.00, however 20% of that can be reclaimed by the Parish Council.

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to proceed with the works.

14/3/21 To consider the May meetings schedule regarding the legal status of ZOOM meeting for parish council business which will end on 6th May

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to revert to in person meetings keeping the regular second Wednesday in the month system. Meetings are to be held in the main room where space is at an optimum. The Annual Parish Meeting at 6.30 pm  will precede the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.00 pm.

15/3/21 To consider complaints received regarding vandalism and dog fouling in the village and resolve action 

The MUGA on Old Main Road has been vandalised and complaints have been raised about the safety. The Clerk is to contact the Chair of Governors and head teacher to try and establish ownership and maintenance responsibility. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to fund an initial RoSPA inspection to understand the damage as a starting dialogue point.

16/4/21 To receive the Clerks update on village matters

All matters had been addressed throughout the course of the meeting

17/4/21 To consider applicants for the Parish Councillor vacancies and resolve to co-opt

No applications had been received in time for this meeting.

18/4/21 To note general correspondences & respond if required

Election notices will be displayed in the village once they have been received by Boston Borough Council. 

The next Parish Council Meeting is scheduled for
Wednesday 12th May at 7.00 pm