March 2021 Minutes

Old Leake Parish Council Meeting

10th March 2021


In Attendance: via zoom

Councillor Frank Pickett, Councillor Guy Bull, Councillor Julian Crouch, Councillor Ian Money, Councillor Donna Amess, and Councillor Tom Ashton were present.

Councillor Paul Skinner, Parish Clerk Joann Greer and The Community Development Worker Michelle Cound were also present.


Public Forum

No members of the public were present.


1/3/21 Opening comments from the Chairman

Councillor Picket welcomed everyone to the meeting.


2/3/21 Apologies for absence and reasons given

Apologies were noted and accepted from Councillor McCulloch. The apologies from Councillor Baxter due to him volunteering at a covid vaccination centre were not accepted by the majority of the Council as they felt Councillor Baxter’s priorities to other activities have taken place to Parish Council Meeting for several months and his shift could have been altered. Councillor Amess did not agree with the majority decision.  


3/3/21 Declarations of interest in accordance with 2011 Localism Act

No declarations were made.


4/3/21 To note the report from the Police Liaison Officer

The following report was received from PCSO Rayment:

2 incidents of Anti-social behaviour- Hobhole Bank and Church Road.

4 incidents of violence- Church Road, Furlongs Lane, Toftfield Lane and Hawthorn Road.

1 theft- Hobhole Bank.

2 concern for safety-The Gride and Caleb Hill Road.

1 transport hazard- Meadow Way.

1 road traffic collision- Main A52.


5/3/21 Update from Michelle Cound, Village Community Development Worker

Michelle informed the Council she had persevered through a bout of illness and has managed most of the tasks set for the month.

The minimovers dancercise class has now finished which fits in with the children going back to school. Another quiz has been held and the numbers for the Face Book page continue to grow.

Bell’s nurseries and local residents have supported the growing project and the work book and kits will be delivered in the next few weeks to people who have registered. Michelle hopes the growing club will extend and become the Eco Club.

Cheryl Wray has been very active with the litter picking group, Bakkavor have agreed to provide high viz jackets, pickers and gloves for adults and children.

Eno’s Wood and the men without a shed project is next to be worked on.


6/3/21 To note reports from representatives of outside bodies

Councillor Paul Skinner reported from County Council stating recycling centres are open daily for all types of waste, many pot holes have been repaired and he urged people to use the fixmystreet app for reporting issues. He also said the speed reduction scheme at the entrance to the village was still in progress.

Councillor Money is to email Councillor Skinner regarding the extremely poor state of Cowbroads Lane.

Boston Borough had received £21.9 million to spend on the town to regenerate, training and life opportunitie projects for generations to come. This is a great investment opportunity for Boston with matched funding of £23 million providing a total of £44.9 million pounds to invest.


7/3/21 To note CCTV requests

PCSO Rayment had requested images from an incident at the community centre, but there had been an issue and the images were unobtainable. The problem has since been solved with the assistance of Councillor McCulloch.


8/3/21 To accept the playgrounds and Enos Wood monthly check sheets and action any repairs

No additional play equipment issues were raised.

Councillor Crouch provided an updated report about the area and meadow.


9/3/21 Draft notes of the meeting held on 10th February 2021 resolution to adopt

The notes were proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to be accepted as the minutes. The paper copies of such notes would be signed by the Chairman once the Council can meet in person.


10/3/21 Resolution to approve payment of accounts

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve to approve the payments listed below. As Cheryl Wray refused payment for the litter collection a donation would be made to a charity of her choosing.

Person / Company to

be paid

Invoice No



Employee Cost

20/21 - 066

March Salary, Nest pension, HMRC


Clerk Expenses

20/21 – 067

BT Broadband, Allowance, travel


K & P Services

20/21 - 068

March payment


ARK ICT Solutions Ltd

20/21 - 069

Monthly Antivirus payment March


Michelle Cound

20/21 - 070

March Village Community Worker


BT Broadband Community Centre

20/21 - 071

March Payment



20/21 - 072

Annual Accounts Licence



20/21 - 073

Annual Training Scheme


Cheryl Wray

20/21 - 074

Interim Litter Picking



11/3/21 Current Highways issues were logged on fixmysteet, which Councillor Skinner is monitoring.




12/3/21 Planning Matters:

  1. Applications: B/21/0070 Proposed single storey fron and rear extension at Greenfields, Old Main Road.

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this planning application.


  1. Application B/21/0060 Demolition of existing attached store building and car port. Erection of a single storey extension, conservatory and detached cart shed style garage at Fisherman’s Cottage, Pode Lane.

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to support this planning application.


There was some comments regarding works started on a dog breeding facility in the village. The Clerk is to follow this up with the enforcement department as a planning application has not been submitted.


13/3/21 To consider the quotes for housing the electrical supply at Washdyke Lane and appoint the contractor.

Three quotes were sourced, however only 2 contractors provided the relevant specification in time for the meeting. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to accept 2 quotes at this stage as a third had been sought.

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to award the contract to Mountains Builders of Old Leake.


14/3/21 To consider the current litter picking situation and resolve action

In the absence of the regular litter picker, Cheryl Wray and a team of volunteers would endeavour to take on the route. It is anticipated to have confirmation in April from Mr Shaw if he is in apposition to continue with his duties. If he is not the litter picking contract would be advertised to find a permanent replacement.


15/3/21 To consider the draft Environmental Policy and propose content

It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to adopt the Environmental Policy.


16/3/21 To consider applicants for the Parish Councillor vacancies and resolve to co-opt

No applications had been received in time for this meeting.


17/3/21 To note general correspondences & respond if required

All email correspondences had been circulated and address where necessary.


The next Parish Council Meeting is scheduled for

Wednesday 14th April at 7.00 pm