March 2023 Agenda
Wednesday 8 March 2023
Old Leake Community Centre
Prior to the meeting there will be a Public Forum commencing at 7.00 pm when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council, after which Parish Council business will be conducted.
The Council meeting will commence at 7.15 pm or at the closure of the public forum – whichever is the sooner.
This notice summons all members of the Council to attend from 7.00 pm or submit their apologies to the Clerk at the earliest opportunity.
Members of the public and press are welcome.
Signed: Joann Greer
Parish Clerk
3 March 2023
7.00 pm – Public Forum
Agenda for Parish Council Meeting
1. Opening Comments from the Chairman
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given
3. Declarations of interest in accordance with 2011 Localism Act
4. To note reports from representatives of outside bodies
5. To note CCTV updates & image requests
6. To receive a report from the Recreational Area Working Group, resolve actions and expenditure for issues raised in the reports:
a. Washdyke
b. Furlongs
c. Enos Wood
7. Draft notes of the meeting held on 9 February 2023 resolution to adopt
8. Resolution to approve payment of accounts as listed
9. To appoint the internal auditor for the annual accounts 2022/23
10. Highway Matters:
a. To receive a progress report from the highways and traffic policy group and CHAPEL ROAD update
b. Receive issues requiring maintenance / repair
c. To receive correspondence from LCC fixmystreet re Washdyke Lane
11. Planning Matters:
a. Application No: B/22/0192/CD1 to discharge condition 3 at land off Fellands Gate glamping pod site. *Planning applications received after the distribution date of this agenda may be considered at this meeting*
12. To consider Sandygate footway lighting repair and resolve to repair or not
13. To consider the footway lighting agreement with Boston Borough Council with options for a 1-year notice period to quit
14. To review the Safeguarding Policy from 2020 and assign a lead officer
15. To consider a generic project check sheet with resolution to adopt
16. Civility & Respect:
a. To sign the Civility & Respect Certificate
b. To consider the draft model Dignity at Work Policy, resolution to adopt
17. To note general correspondences not addressed on this agenda & respond if required
18. To set the date and time of the next meeting