November 2020 Minutes
Old Leake Parish Council Meeting
11th November
In Attendance: via zoom
Councillor Frank Pickett, Councillor Guy Bull, Councillor Julian Crouch, Councillor Ian Money, Councillor Tom Ashton, Councillor John Baxter and Councillor Donna Amess were present.
Lincolnshire County Councillor Paul Skinner was also present.
Public Forum
No members of the public were present.
1/11/20 To elect a Vice Chairman
Councillor Money was proposed, seconded, and unanimously elected as the Vice Chairman.
There were no other nominations.
2/11/20 Apologies for absence and reasons given
No apologies had been received prior to the start of the meeting.
3/11/20 Declarations of interest in accordance with 2011 Localism Act
No declarations were made.
4/11/20 To note the report from the Police Liaison Officer
A report had not been received in time for this meeting.
5/11/20 Update from Michelle Cound, Village Community Development Worker
Michelle informed the Council of Halloween competitions and prizes, zoom family bingo, online crafts and boredom busters, financial advice for Christmas spending all in line with improving the profile of the project until in person meeting and group developments can take place.
The “men without a shed” project is to be launched in the new year with a focus on Enos Wood and the wildflower meadow at Washdyke Lane, Covid restrictions permitting.
6/11/20 To note reports from representatives of outside bodies
There were no reports from Councillors.
7/11/20 To note CCTV requests
There has been some delay in PCSO Rayment accessing the CCTV due to her work schedule. A follow up is to be scheduled.
8/11/20 To accept the playgrounds and Enos Wood monthly check sheets and action any repairs
All is in order at the outdoor areas. A second cutting of the wildflower meadow is due, weather permitting as it has been very wet of late.
9/11/20 Draft notes of the meeting held on 28th October 2020 resolution to adopt
The draft notes were considered, a planning typo was amended. The notes were proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to be accepted as the minutes.
10/11/20 To consider and resolve the options and cost of replacing the Speed Watch battery
The two cost from Unipart Dorman were considered. It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolved to purchase the rechargeable battery for £199.56 + VAT and fit in house.
Resolution to approve payment of accounts
It was proposed, seconded, and unanimously resolve to approve the payments listed below
Person / Company to
be paid
Invoice No
Employee Cost
20/21 - 043
Salary, Nest pension, HMRC
Expenses J Greer
20/21 – 044
Travel cheque signing run
Michael Shaw
20/21 – 045
November payment
K & P Services
20/21 - 046
October payment
ARK ICT Solutions Ltd
20/21 - 047
Monthly Antivirus payment
Michelle Cound
20/21 - 048
Village Community Worker
PKF Littlejohn
20/21 - 049
Annual Audit
12/11/20 Highway Matters: items requiring maintenance / repair
Councillor Skinner informed the Council Hawthorn Road is to be jet patched, he also encouraged everyone to use for highways issues and repairs as it is a system that accurately logs issues which make it more accessible to follow up on.
With the recent spate of complaints regarding tractors/lorries and other agricultural vehicles speeding through the village, some drivers on mobile phones and leaving the roads covered in mud leading to treacherous road conditions Councillor Skinner suggested all local business should be written to from the Parish Council. The Highways officer is aware of dangerous village road conditions.
13/11/20 Planning Matters: Applications:
No Planning applications were received for this meeting.
14/11/20 To consider the first draft budget for 2021/22
The first draft budget was considered at length. The Clerk is to provide a full draft budget completed with forecasted expenditure for the end of the current financial year to form the bases of the precept at the December meeting.
15/11/20 To note the completion of the Annual Audit and resolve any actions if required
The Annual Audit report from PKF Littlejohn was noted. All accounting systems were approved, and no actions were raised.
16/11/20 To consider the Environmental Policy and resolve to adopt
Councillor Money had researched other Environmental policies and felt this policy could be more in depth and have a more positive impact if done in more detail. Councillor Money suggested following a similar route as Boston Borough Council. LCC Councillor Skinner offered to assist and agreed to work with Ian to develop a suitable Environmental policy framework.
17/11/20 To consider broadband installation and running costs quotes at the Community Centre & tablet enabled devices and resolve action
Councillor Money had established a quote from Satellite with a monthly cost of £60 for 50 mgb and can provide a survey to test performance for a £75 fee. It may be possible to get a deal for the survey.
Councillor Amess had information from BT Halo with a monthly cost of £30 for 16-24 MP. A booster rooter would probably be required at an additional cost of £30 – £40 each if the router did not cover the whole of the Community Centre. .
There were some questions regarding the possible cost of a reconnection charge.
Firm details are to be made available for the December meeting for Full Council to consider and resolve.
To consider applicants for the Parish Councillor vacancies and resolve to co-opt
No applications had been received in time for this meeting.
19/11/20 To note general correspondences & respond if required
1) A thank you letter from Old Leake with Wrangle Methodist Church had been received regarding the recent donation made by OLPC.
2) Notification from Boston Borough Council stating the precept information was required by 25.01.21.
20/11/20 To set the date for the December Parish Council meeting
The next Parish Council Meeting is scheduled for
7. 00 pm Wednesday 9th December