June 2019 Minutes

Old Leake Parish Council Meeting

12 June 2019


In Attendance:  Councillor David Norton, Councillor Frank Pickett, Councillor Tom Ashton, Councillor Guy Bull, Councillor Ian Money,
John Baxter, Councillor Anne Hawthorn and Councillor Julian Crouch.

Public Forum

No members of the public were present

1/6/19 Opening of the meeting by the Chairman

The Chairman welcomed all Councillors to the meeting.

2/6/19 Apologies for absence and reasons given

Apologies were received from Councillor McCulloch due to work commitments.

3/6/19 Declarations of interest in accordance with 2011 Localism Act

No declarations were made.

4/6/19 To note the report from the Police Liaison Officer

The following list of incidents was reported by PCSO Kym Rayment:
2 incidents of Anti-social behaviour - Caleb Hill Road.
4 thefts - Pode Lane, Skipmarsh Lane, and (2) Meadow Way.
1 burglary - Sea Lane.
1 criminal damage - Church Road.
2 domestics - Hawthorn Road.
3 incidents of violence - (2) Church Road and The Gride.
4 concern for safety - Lime Walk, Church Road, Hawthorn Road and Meadow Way.
1 fraud/forgery - Sea Lane.
3 suspicious circumstances - Sibsey Road, Tilia Grove and Washdyke Lane.
1 traffic offence - Main A52.
1 road traffic collision - Church End.

5/6/19 To note reports from representatives of outside bodies

Councillor Baxter reported back from the Community Centre stating new committee members were now on board and Gordon Potter was elected as the Chairman. The Youth Club will be held every Monday evening and had a positive opening evening with some 70 people in attendance. The committee plan to refurbish the toilet facilities as part of their projects. Councillor Baxter also commented that the ABBA event was very well attended, A Dementia meeting is also due to be held at the doctor’s surgery.

Councillor Money informed the Council that Facebook is proving to be the best way to promote Neighbourhood Watch issues and that the Speed Watch campaign had not been in action lately due to the lack of volunteers being available.

6/6/19 To note CCTV requests

No requests were made.

7/6/19 To accept the playgrounds and Enos Wood monthly check sheets and action any repairs

Both play areas were in good order. The contractor is still to complete the fence at the rear of Enos Wood.

8/6/19 To consider the draft notes of the meeting held on 8 May 2019 and resolve to adopt

Councillor Pickett highlighted the omission from the table at 6/5/19 that he was elected as the representative to complete the safety checks at Furlongs Lane and Washdyke Lane. The Clerk amended the records. It was then proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to accept the note as the minutes.

9/6/19 Resolution to approve the payments of accounts

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolve to approve the payments as listed at the meeting.

10/6/19 To complete the Annual Audit paperwork

The Council noted the completion of the audit by the internal auditor and the considered and completed the rest of the AGAR form.

11/6/19 Highways matters: items requiring maintenance or repair

LCC Paul Skinner informed the Council that 49,000 potholes had been repaired this year. He also stated he would arrange a walk about the village with Councillor Pickett and the highways officer, concerns were raised that the leaner rails have still not been replaced in the various locations in the village which have been reported on more than one occasion.

12/6/19 Planning matters

There were no planning applications presented at the meeting.

13/6/19 To consider giving a donation to RSPB for their help with Enos Wood and resolve expenditure

It was proposed and seconded to give a donation of £25 to RSPB, carried by a majority of 7 in favour and 1 abstention.

14/6/19 To consider and resolve options for the Rural Isolation grant initiative

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to incorporate a core worker for 2019/2020 to identify and work with Rural Isolation groups within the parish. The grant of £2,500.00 is to be matched funded by the Parish Council. This would form the Old Leake element of the Rural Isolation project.

15/6/19 To receive an update regarding the bus shelter, resolve any action and expenditure

Councillor Baxter informed the Council that the bus companies had reduced their direct route as footfall had fallen. Therefore, it would not be worthwhile investing in a bus stop near to the Co-op as the buses would be continuing on the mail route and not diverting into the village.

16/6/19 To consider the next quarterly inserts in the Old Leake news and appoint composers

It was agreed that Councillor Crouch would write the article for the August edition and focus on the works continuing at Enos Wood.

The Clerk is to write the September article featuring volunteer opportunities.

The October article would feature the Rural Isolation core worker job description if the grant initiative is successful.

17/6/19 To receive reports from the Working Groups, resolve any actions and expenditure

a) The May Event, Annual Parish Meeting – debrief. Although many stall holders were present, it was disappointing that sew few residents were there. The food and refreshments were positively received and the entertainment from the choir was great. With the developments currently taking shape at Enos Wood and the possibility of developments at Washdyke Lane the next Annual Parish Meeting, May Event, may be held in Commonside, with the introduction of music, entertainment and or guest speakers.

b) Enos Wood – new volunteers have come forward to help with Enos Wood, lots of work has been done with further clearing away of overgrown vegetation to make the identified paths visible.

c) Plans are to be drawn up for a fresh programme of developments at Washdyke Lane play area. Councillors Crouch, Baxter and the Clerk are to pull some ideas together for consideration at the next meeting.

18/6/19 To note general correspondences

The WFDB newsletter was noted along with poster for the notice boards from BBC advertising future events in the borough.

19/6/19 Agenda items for the July meeting

Enos & Washdyke progress reports.

20/6/19 To resolve to go into closed session to discuss staffing matters

It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolved to go into closed session.

21/6/19 To accept the report for the Clerk’s annual appraisal, consider and resolve recommendations

The Chairman presented the facts from the Clerk’s appraisal which were all positive. It was proposed, seconded and unanimously resolve to increase the Clerks pay scale by one point and increase her working hours by 2 per week as per the recommendations provided from the appraisal.