Youth activities

FREE activities & Fun Sessions for all young people who live in Old Leake

This exciting new initiative is available from January through to March 2024, if the programme sessions are enjoyed by many the Parish Council will fund further sessions throughout the year.

Some of the sessions for the initial 3 months, depending on number of requests, could include:

  • Dance Classes
  • Movie Time
  • Circuit Training
  • Boxing
  • Music Events
  • Food Tasting
  • Art

The sessions are available in primary school & secondary school groups ensuring the content is relevant to the age group.

Currently the boxing is only available to ages 11 – 18 and includes a visit to Callum Johnson’s gym in Boston, transport for this session is also provided.

The rest of the sessions are based at the Community Centre, Furlongs Lane


Please email Jo at to register your/your child’s interest.

Please state the age of the young person and list all activities you are interested in and your preferred day of the week.

The schedule, permission and registration forms will be emailed out to all registered parties in the New Year. Safeguarding and insurance are covered for these activities. Old Leake Parish Council are working in conjunction with Lincolnshire YMCA to provide this service.


Please note these activities are currently only available to Old Leake residents, as listed on the electoral register. If you/your child live outside of the parish and would like to take part, please ask about a possible affiliated membership.