May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting


11 May 2022 

Public Forum

No members of the public were present.

In attendance

Councillors, Frank Pickett, Tom Ashton, Guy Bull, Nigel McCulloch & Julian Crouch.

Also in attendance:

Lincolnshire County Councillor Paul Skinner

Parish Clerk Joann Greer 

APM/1/5/22 Opening and welcome from the Parish Council Chairman

The Chair, Councillor Pickett, welcomed everyone to the meeting.

APM/2/5/22 Chairmans Report

Councillor Pickett reviewed the last 12 months activities within the parish which included upgrading the CCTV at the community centre and also installing broadband.

Washdyke Lane play area had benefited from a refurbishment programme and also the installation of CCTV.

The redundant MUGA on Old Main Road, It was eventually permitted LCC for the parish council to repair and maintain the site. Two grants from Boston Borough Council were sought to help fund the repairs.

Councillor Pickett then thanked all Councillors for their efforts during the last 12 month, and also the Clerk.

Councillor Pickett also thanked Michelle Cound for all her hard work establishing the community projects, an annual report was provided by Michelle:

What a strange year we have just had, despite this we have achieved so much and are continuing to do so.

During Lockdown we used the power of Zoom to continually find ways to bring the community together.

We have enjoyed some fun Free Zoom Prize Bingo sessions and a family quiz for the residents of Old Leake with lots of families joining in.  We were supported by the Bricklayers Arms by way of a £40 voucher to spend on takeaway food.  The Bricklayers Arms have also offered themselves as a venue when restrictions are lifted if we want to carry on with quizzes.  

The Lincolnshire Co-op have also been extremely supportive and continue to do so.  Ben the manager at Old Leake store was happy to display posters of events and to be a collection and drop off point for bingo tickets and prizes.  This was greatly appreciated especially how busy the store is, nothing has been too much trouble.

The Lincolnshire Community Coordinator has been in regular contact offering their support in any future projects we undertake by way of volunteers, prizes etc.

We are currently the Lincolnshire Co-op Community champions, and we expect to receive between £500 and £1000 for our new exciting project Men Without a Shed.  The Men without a shed project is for the Men of Old Leake how enjoy getting involved in community projects by way of organising, DIY, gardening or just to get together with other men in the village.  They will be making bug hotels for Washdyke Lane’s Wildflower Meadow along with signage of what flowers and insects are likely to be seen in this area.  They will also be helping with Enos Wood, creating two natural beauty points of Old Leake for the community to enjoy.

Due to Lockdown many groups for pre school children were unable to operate, there was major concern around children not being active and strain caused to parents trying to keep the children entertained.  This led to a group being form call ed “Mini Movers” operated via zoom for the younger children to dance exercise and most importantly have fun.  This Zoom session was hosted by myself and a qualified dance teacher, who entertained the children with dance, exercise, mimes etc.

Originally this was funded by the OLPC Getting Together project.  We then successfully applied Lincolnshire County Council Covid 19 Community Response Fund by way of a grant for £500 to keep the group running until April 2021.  They though this project was a wonderful project for the community and gave us full support.  We also opened this group up to other nearby childcare providers, Highgate Nursery and Bright Sparks Nursery joined the group.  We were also joined by Old Leake Primary Schools key worker children; they also advertised the group on there school website so that children learning from home could also join in.  It was so nice to the children having so much fun each week.  The group had over 20 children participate each week.  Not only did this project support the children it also enabled a 16-year-old girl from Old Leake carry on with her Dance Teacher Qualifications by assisting with the sessions.

We have held a Zoom Family Quiz which was enjoyed by adults and children.  The Bricklayers Arms have offered themselves as a venue after restrictions have lifted should we wish to hold more quizzes.

Most recently we have started OLPC’s Green Fingers a growing project for anyone in the village young and old.  I approached Bell’s Nursery who very kindly donated us some compost, seeds and a few pots to get the project off the ground.  Also, some members of community have also very kindly donated some pots.  Our first growing kit was Sunflowers and everyone who requested a kit also received a Journal which included growing charts, facts about sunflowers and ideas of what the seeds can be used for.  The kits were biodegradable apart from the pot, even the bag the kits were in was biodegradable and donated by Lincolnshire Co-op.  A competition is being hosted for the tallest Sunflower.  It has been so encouraging to receive photos of the seeds being planted and the seedlings growing.  Old Leake Primary School and Aspire Lincs have also had Sunflower kits and I can’t wait to start the next growing project.

We have supported Old Leake Litter picking group by applying to Bakkavor for extra litter picking equipment, which they were happy to donate.  Anyone wanting to get involved they have an Old Leake Litter Pickers page on Facebook.

Our future plans are to find group to engage the teenage community anyone who would like to help or has any ideas please contact me your support would be really appreciated.

APM/3/5/22 The Clerk and Responsible Finance Officers Report 2021/22

The financial year from 1st April 2021 up to 31st March 2022

Opening balance of £70914.28
Precept of £42096.00
Expenditure of £53400.84
Closing balance of £40169.93

Ear marked reserved are for the maintenance of the play equipment at Washdyke Lane and Furlongs Lane play areas. Eno’s Wood tree maintenance programme.

The accounts are due at the internal auditor next week, once they have been returned the full details will be available on the website.

The precept, which is the amount of money the Parish Council receive from your council tax bill for 2021/22 was set at £42096.00

APM4/5/22 Parishioners Comments, questions, and views

No members of the public were present.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 6.50 pm.